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Best highlight cap

Translation: Don’t be overly ambitious just start small. Bonus point? If you f*ck it up-which, again, you might-you aren’t stuck trying to fix your entire head. “That way, you’re connecting the front of your hair to the rest of your color so it won’t look as grown out,” she says, recommending that anyone with blonde hair try DpHue’s Blonding Brush.

Best highlight cap professional#

Okay, if you're ignoring all professional advice and going forth with at-home highlights anyway, O’Connor recommends you-at the very least!-just stick to your hairline.

best highlight cap

Another thing to keep in mind: If you've already committed to highlighting your hair at home and nothing can stop you, it's not a bad idea to still touch base with your hairstylist before you take the plunge (especially if you're going to end up in their chair for some color-correction down the road).

best highlight cap

Hear that, people? Highlights are genuinely best left to the pros-so if you can wait, pls do.

best highlight cap

“ Your highlights can turn out spotty and orange if you don’t know what you’re doing, and chances are, you’ll need to get them fixed if you attempt them yourself.” “Since highlighting hair involves bleach, it takes a lot of time and knowledge to do it correctly,” says Meri Kate O’Connor, colorist at Loft 647 in West Hollywood. Okay, I know you don't want to hear this, but ask any expert and they'll give it to you straight: If you have the means, it's always best to skip the DIY and book an appointment with a professional-especially when you're dealing with something as strong (and, uh, as damaging) as bleach.

Best highlight cap