Gaslighting effects can be damaging to the individuals in a relationship.
How To Stop Gaslighting In A Relationship There are many ways to put an end to gaslighting in a relationship. Underlying pain or trauma could be the motivation for such

There could be a few possible reasons why someone is using gaslighting against you:

There is no one specific motive for a person to gaslight someone. The psyche of a gaslighter is hard to decipher. Related: 11 Signs That You Are Dealing With A Control Freak Why Do People Gaslight? In such situations, the abuser will refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, lie, pit false accusations, question, and doubt the victim until they don’t agree with them. For example, when the victim criticizes their actions or presents a valid piece of evidence or point. Gaslighters tend to become defensive when they are faced with a threat to their self-image. Constant exposure to such abuse makes it easier to gain control and manipulate the victim. Gaslighting is not a one-time occurrence. The gaslighter will exploit the victim by: Gaslighters have a tendency of growing their control over the victim by continuing the cycle of lying and manipulating while undermining the victim’s confidence in their own ability to differentiate between deception and truth.

One of the prime goals of gaslighting in relationships is to gain power and dominance over the partner. In short, the abuser destroys the victim’s psyche, making them codependent and vulnerable. Due to this, the victim loses their individuality, becomes insecure, and starts judging their own thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Victims of gaslighting are repeatedly put through manipulation, lies, invalidation, questioning, discouragement, etc.